
Thursday, May 19, 2011

Can you hear me?

Testing...testing...anybody out there?

How does one start off their first blog post? Man does it feel weird to be writing. I used to blog daily, about the stupidest things. After reading and learning from so many other like minded people I have come across (across on the internet from their blogs), I thought people might get a kick out of our little adventures. Maybe it's a midlife crisis in my mid 20's, or maybe it's a true genuine lifestyle change.

None the less, My little family of 3 moved out to our little homestead almost a year ago. We were graciously given 10 acres to plot ourselves. After developing the raw land, dragging out a modest used mobile home, gutting the home and remodeling, hours of hard work, many hours of work from our family, 9 ish months of remodeling, we finally moved to our little piece of Earth in July of 2010. After paying off some debt, we plan on building our house. (Can you tell we are Dave Ramsey Fans?)

Currently we are raising a garden, chickens, turkeys, ducks, Great Danes, and a toddler. We don't have goats (will in the future) but we named our little area Goat Creek due to the creek in our yard and our daughter drinking Goat's milk. <--- Save that for another post!

Follow along and laugh with us as we try to learn about garden raising, animal raising, kid raising, and a God driven self-sustainable lifestyle.


  1. YAYAYAYAYAy! You're my second xanga buddy that has rejoined the blogging world this week! SO EXCITED!

    Welcome back :) Looking forward to keeping up with your adventures!

  2. Thanks Amanda! Blogger is a lot different than xanga, so I'm learning the ropes. It might take awhile! But I will try to keep posts going!

  3. I'm so excited to read about your homesteading -- I had no idea you were into that kind of thing. :)
    (ps - on xanga, I'm dreamofasmile, in case you wondered how i found you).

  4. We've always been "country people" never living in town, but the whole being self sufficient, animals, gardening, is all new. I take that back, my family gardened, but that was about it. We reeeally got in to it when our daughter was born and we were so careful as to what goes in to her body.

  5. I will be checking you out! and you will get the hang of blogger! I do my header in picassa... i will have to find the site with the instructions!


  6. Hey Nancy! I'd love all the help and tips I can get haha! I'm a little lost around Blogger.
