
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Be Still

"Be still and know that I am God..." Psalm 46:10

How often are we still? Literally...still

I like to be busy. I can "be still" in the evenings after Natalie is in bed, but before then, go go go. Today threw me for a loop. I should have known something was wrong when Natalie woke up at 3 am crying. I went in to her room, she was burning hot. I thought about taking her temp, but decided to rock her and see if she'd go back to sleep. It worked like a charm. Then at 6:15 am, about an hour before her normal wake up time, the crying happens again, I go in, and seriously, her skin feels like it's on fire. Her temperature was 102.2

She clung on to me for dear life. I knew something was wrong, and I couldn't go in to work today. Besides a trip to the Dr. (diagnosis ear infection) and then the pharmacy, we have been home all day. From the moment she woke up this morning until about 2:30, she HAD to be in somebody's arms. And if you moved around too much, she would cry. I had to literally "Be Still". I held her all morning and most of the afternoon. Kris held her to give me bathroom breaks and quick makeup job before heading to the Dr. While holding her all morning/afternoon I looked around the house and saw this:

And this:

I thought to myself, "Why won't she let me put her in her crib to sleep so I can do some cleaning". Our house is literally trashed and needs some major attention. I then wanted to kick myself as I looked down and saw this:

My very sick little girl needed me to be still for her, she needed my undivided attention whether she was sleeping or awake and I was trying to put my house's needs above her needs. I am a Mother full of flaws and God is faithful, always forgiving me.

Why is it so hard for us to "Be Still"?


  1. You are not the only one who struggles with's a constant battle for me as well. I hope little Natalie feels better soon.

  2. awww..... poor Natalie. I hope she feels better soon! Ah, the inter battles of being a mom, yes, picking the snuggles is *always* the right answer :)

  3. Poor sweet baby! I would have been the same way. Before I can relax or just be still everything has to be DONE and of course everything is never really done the way I want it.

    I think it is a mentality that is instilled in us while we are young. Relaxing means lazy...We don't know HOW to do it, which is why it is such an inner battle!
