
Sunday, January 29, 2012


While I was sweeping and mopping the floors this morning, I realized I sweep/mop in a rhythm.  And then I realized my life in general is a rhythm, predictable (most of the time) and I know what to expect each day.  Most people would probably find my life rather boring, mundane, not exciting.  However, I see so many little blessings each day, I never know what to expect, each day is like a little present being unwrapped for the first time.  While nothing in other people's eyes happened today that was "exciting" God's given me so many little blessings!  Cooking a big breakfast for my family, and seeing my husband and daughter enjoy my "special" scrambled eggs....because nobody cooks them like how I make them!  (And I learned the special touch from my own mother)  My husband playing with my daughter for 20 minutes so I can deep clean the bathroom it desperately needed 2 weeks ago.  Or my husband willingly taking my daughter with him to "Mimi and Papas house" so I can have 45 minutes of no little feet under my feet.  I was able to get done a typical 1 1/2 hours worth of cleaning in 45 minutes since nobody needed "Mommy's attention".  Drinking a warm cup of coffee on a slightly chilly day, taking 10 minutes out of my "rhythm" to write a simple blog post.  Hugs, kisses, and "I love you's" from my daughter.  A surprise "jab" in my belly, reminding me there's a wee one growing in the womb.  Those and so much more are the blessings I get to experience during the daily rhythm of my life.   

1 comment:

  1. Your Rhythm reminds me of my less complicated, more time for family, goals for this year. Thanks for sharing!
