
Monday, February 25, 2013

Mamas, You are GOOD!

I've had a hard week.  First the baby got sick.  I tried home remedies, took her to the Dr, got no answers, and then after two nights of her crying/whining/coughing through the night with slight breaks allowing her to sleep 10-30 minutes, and then going back to the crying/whining/coughing spell I took her back to the Dr.  Diagnosis? Ear infection and a viral infection that's settled in her lungs causing fluid in her lungs.  That said, getting some breathing treatments and seeing minimal results, we are back to sleeping.  If you want to call it that.  More like sleeping and waking up 5+ times during the night, requiring Mama to nurse babe back to sleep.  Sleep one hour, nurse,  then repeat.  I'll take it over the crying/whining/coughing though.  On top of that, the big started getting a head cold and has been insanely whiney and misbehaving.  

The weekend came, another weekend of missing church due to sick kid(s), another weekend of not getting my spiritual cup filled, another day of whine whine whine.  

On Sunday, I had, had it! I lost my temper, yelled, doubted myself and my role as a Mother, stomped out of my daughter's room, let the baby cry herself to sleep because I couldn't get her to sleep…I was done. My husband held me, kissed my forehead, and said I love you.  I responded why do you love me?  He said, because you are good.  

Mamas, you are good!  You can do this.  one step at a time. One foot in front of the other.  When you feel like throwing in the towel, take one breath at a time, one step at a time.  You are good, you can do this.  

I mumbled a little prayer, there was no way I could keep going with out God's Grace.  And HE gave it to me. One breath at a time, one step at a time. Both girls ended up napping at the same time (which N.E.V.E.R happens), just in time to get the kitchen cleaned up.  I brewed some more coffee, and sat down to start writing this blog post.  

Mamas, you are good, you can do this.  The first moment you looked down at your child, God bestowed the spirit of Motherhood in you.  

The first picture of Me holding Emri when she was born, just seconds old

Whether you gave birth to your child, adopted your child, or took them in as a foster child, you were given the Spirit of Motherhood.  You can do this, you are good.  And the moment (or in my case many moments) when you feel like you can't keep going, look up to the one who gave you the Spirit of Motherhood.  He will bring you through it, one step at a time, one breath at a time.  Mammas, you are good!

"Leaning on the Everlasting Arms"   

Today I'm joining in on Mindful Mothering Mondays.  Of course I'm blogger illiterate and can't figure out how to put the linky here, but you can read a beautiful post from Lydia and other Mamas Here at Small Town Simplicity

1 comment:

  1. What a great post, and an important reminder. I've been doubting myself quite a bit lately and this really hit home. Thanks for linking up!
