
Thursday, March 21, 2013

learning to be okay with it {1,140}

Discontentment has found it's way into my heart lately.  Right now? Our home. We are getting ready for garden season, which means from now until late fall my kitchen/dinning room will first be a green house, then taken over with noisy, smelly, dirty, canning stuff.  I have a tiny kitchen, with a tiny dinning room.  So that means my dinning room is also an overflow room for extra kitchen gear.  Leaving almost zilch room for a table...a table that's basically worthless.  It collects everything from mail, tools, toys, to buried fruit that has gone bad because it was hidden from the mail, toys, tools, etc.  Oh, have I mentioned that even though we have 3 bedrooms, really only 2 because my husband works from home (which is a blessing) but requires an office?  4 people...2 bedrooms....1,140 square feet is what I have to work with.  The plan was to build a house in a few years.  Then baby #2 came, and it made sense for me to be home.  So that building a house plan in 3 years?  Ha...

God has really been speaking to me.  He saw it fit to give me 1,140 square feet.  He decided that's what we needed for this moment in our lives, no more, no less.  Have I been grateful?  No.  Should I? YES! So I'm working hard on changing that heart of mine.  So in my 1,140 square feet, I looked to find what was beautiful to me.

I love my dishes.  My favorite colors, blue and yellow.  Look at those dainty flowers, aren't they just so pretty?  Did I mention the pattern is called Melissa?  Yes, they were meant for me

I've always enjoyed metal art.  This used to hang above my bed in my first "real" apartment.  Now it hangs on the green living room wall to greet you when you walk in.  I think it's beautiful.  

Life through a child's eyes.  Need I say more? 

My disorganized children's book shelf.  Why do I love this?  By looking at how the books are placed, you can tell my 3 year old loves to help herself to books.  And I l.o.v.e. that.  

I cherish this painting.  A family friend painted this for us as a wedding present.  Sunflowers were our wedding flower, along with yellow and blue as the colors.  Isn't this just beautiful?  It's proudly displayed in our living room.  

"But Godliness with contentment is great gain" 1 Timothy 6:6 

"Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee." Hebrews 13:5

1,140 square feet is what I have to work with, and I'm learning to be okay with it.  

Those of you with small spaces and a family, feel free to comment on ways you make it work!  I'm always looking for suggestions! :) 


  1. Ah, yes, discontentment. It stirs in my heart every so often as well. We're in 1200 square feet and due with our 6th any day. To say things are cramped is an understatement! Especially at this nesty time in my life, it's easy for me to see everything that isn't perfect, that isn't how I want it, to see all the clutter and mess of 7 people living in a small space. But you are right - all of this is a gift from God. And I can find things to be grateful for in that.

    1. Lydia, I have to fess up...while dealing with this, a few days before I posted this, I scoured your blog for some of your posts about your "living space" for encouragement. I knew you had about the same size house, and twice the size of family. You inspire me and such an encouragement!
