Saturday, May 21, 2011

Recycle, Reuse: Trampoline Frames

In May of 2009, I was stuck in the basement of our county's Health Department. I had gone to get proof of pregnancy for insurance. We were all rushed to the basement due to tornados and strong straight line winds (80 mph!). There was quite some damage around our area. My creative husband searched Craig's List for months for free / cheap trampolines that were damaged in the storm. We actually scored a trampoline that wasn't that damaged and is fully functional. It is in our backyard and safe to jump on =)

His intent was to use the frames (minus the mat) to build a green house. Life happens and he didn't get around to it (yet). A couple of months ago we started purchasing chickens to raise for fresh farm eggs. The first coop he built was a recycled box thingy he used for puppies, then made a rabbit hutch out of it, and now a chicken coop. This is where our current adult ladies live / lay eggs.

They free range during the day, go in there to lay eggs and they go in their coop on their own in the evenings. We bought some chicks a month or two ago. (We lose track of time). They have now become adolescents and live in their own pen. This chicken "coop" is a trampoline frame turned upside down. It is temporary until they can be out with the big ladies.

Did I mention we have even more baby chicks? When my husband gets an idea in his head (actually I've been begging for chickens for at least a year), he goes a little overboard. This week he bought even more baby chicks (like 2 day olds). And when I say "chickens" we actually have 3 turkeys mixed in there. Anyways, when these adolescents get bigger, along with the little chicks, and the already grown hens, they will need an even LARGER coop. The king coop (err queen coop?) is structured with trampoline frames as well. See below, the metal is being supported by trampoline frames. This coop is still in the making.

Kris and Natalie checking out the chickens.

Today's findings:

Now you will never look at a trampoline the same =)

As a side note, I apologize for the funky lay out of the post. I'm trying to learn blogger. Either blogger doesn't like me, or blogger doesn't like a Mac.


  1. I love all your pictures & the creativity! ps- in your design tab, you should add the "Follow" button so we can subscribe to your blog. Then in our dashboards we'll be able to see when you add a new post. Thanks!

  2. Thanks Knitted Home! I used to blog in xanga....and this blogger is getting me! I don't know how to do anything! =/

  3. I'm on xanga too! :) small world! I look forward to catching up with you.
