With the school year wrapping up in a couple of months, I've noticed a buzz on the Internet already talking about school in the fall. I obviously follow a lot of home school blogs, and talk some about this on facebook. I wanted to share why I decided to home school. First, to clarify, both (my husband and I) agreed together homeschooling was the best option right now. While we share many of the same reasons to home school, we also have different reasons, so these are "my" reasons that may or may not be on my husband's list.
Before getting into the list....I want you to know my husband and I are both products of the public school system. We went to small high schools (my graduating class of 90 some was 3x the size of his though!) and both succeeded. We did not have "bad experiences", both have great sets of parents that supported us through our school years, etc. We both made good grades and sought higher education after graduation.
Our choice of homeschooling is not because we think poorly of public school teachers. My mom retired from the public school system, my brother is currently a teacher. As a music therapy major, many of my college best friends were music ed majors, now teaching in public schools. I know many wonderful teachers.
Also, my view of homeschooling for our family, is take it one year at a time. I don't know if we will do it one year, or all of the schooling years. But through prayer, one year at a time, always reevaluating what's best.
* I want to be the main influence on my children. If I send them off to school for 7 hours (just the educational time, not including extra curricular activities), the majority of their day, will not be around me. I feel like other people would be raising my children, their teachers, peers, etc.
* I want to choose the curriculum. Or I want "us" to choose the curriculum. I think as the child gets older, it's exciting for them to be able to have a say on what route they want to take. Let's do a study on Pioneer Days, Johnny Appleseed, plants in the garden, how a thunderstorm starts, etc. I'm also not crazy about the government having huge influence on public schools and what is being taught. I can't afford a private school.
* I want to allow my child to learn at her (or his) pace. Whether that means spending more time on a subject, or advancing because they are catching on quickly. Teachers do their best, but it is hard to accommodate 25+ students individually. One cannot expect them to.
* As a Christian, I want our education to be Christ focused.
* Better socialization. WHAT?!? (usually people think home school kids would lack socialization) In typical school setting, you are stuck with students all your age. At home, you are around all ages, and if you can get along with your siblings day in and day out, you can get along with quite a variety of people in society! Also, I like intergenerational/ages for socialization, and at home school groups, usually you are around all different ages.
* Schedule YOU set the schedule. (This isn't a main reason of HS, but a perk!) Take a vacation in September! Do a 4 day school week! Zoo day? OK!
* The most important reason? We feel this is what God is wanting for our family, for this time.
I could go on, but I think that highlights our top reasons. This is not meant to be a "home school is better than public/private school" post. I do not judge other families that don't home school, there may come a time when we don't. It's an individual decision, not all families can home school. One has to pray and decide what is best for you. I don't regret going to a public school.
So...my basic plan for the fall? Keep it simple. My oldest will be over 3 1/2. I plan to find a basic basic preschool curriculum (I work with her now off and on on basic things). I'm thinking 2-3 days of working with her for 30 minutes or less (plus our home school group). Doing this for about 2 school years and then starting a Kindergarten curriculum the fall she's 5. Now this could all change, but that's my tentative plan. At this age, I believe children should learn from play. My goal is to let my children do the leading on their education. I don't care about them speaking 10 languages (1 or 2 would be awesome!) or reading at the age of 4, and writing cursive at 4 1/2. Typically HS students progress faster, but that's not my focus. I want my children to lead what direction they want to go, and I will help guide them.
We have homeschooled from the beginning and my oldest is 12 now. It isn't always easy but we have had a lot of fun and learned so much together! Keeping it simple is the way to go, esp. when they are young!
ReplyDeleteMy husband and I had a similiar experience with school. We decided to homeschool because I got the calling when I was pregnant with my oldest son. Tonight my husband, who has always supported homeschooling, said out of the blue "I can't imagine sending our kids to school". It brought tears to my eyes because most of the comments I get out in the world are "I can't imagine being home with my kids all day". Homeschooling is a gift from God and I'm so thankful for it!
ReplyDeleteI'm so excited for it :)