I really would like to blog more, but with work and family, it seems like by the time I'm ready to "sit", I'm ready to go to sleep! ha! I feel like I've talked a lot about our farm and what's going on with raising animals, selling animals, etc.
Now it's on to raising the MOST important thing in our life, our daughter. She just turned 19 months and BOY (errr girl!) is she full of energy! We had a well child check up today and she was all over the waiting room making friends with an older gentleman, sharing her legos with an older kid, being a social butterfly. I am honored that God saw Kris and I fit to be her parents, but scared out of my mind because she is like this freshly made clay that is ready to be molded and I feel like you have to do the molding just right. Figuring out what that "just right" is, is near impossible! I struggle with where to draw the line of letting a kid be a kid, and discipline, letting them learn from trial and error, how to discipline out of love, not frustration, giving positive feed back for good behavior, what to do when your child throws a tantrum in public, etc. etc. I spend a lot of time in prayer about this!
Natalie's check up went great (first time seems like there were no "concerns", we've dealt with a flat head, no walking, weak ankles, etc.)! Her stats are right where they should be and she's following Daddy's foot steps, tall and lean. I love the Dr. she goes to, he didn't push shots at all. All he said was "No shots right?" I said right! and that was it.
Natalie's little mind is just a sponge and she's learning new things every day. We have a routine when I get home from work. I make her dinner, and then I don't let her go outside until 7 PM because of the heat. at 7, we play outside, 7:30 come inside, take a bath if need be, then get ready for bed. She's in bed by 8. I've worked and worked on a schedule for her and she knows exactly what to expect and if I'm not ready to go outside at 7, she's at the front door banging on it saying "side side side" (her word for outside)
I guess that's the biggest scoop on our not so little 19 month old!
We did end up selling the Pygmy goats and bought two does, 6 month old Kinder and a 6 month old Kinder/Nubian. They are the cutest and we call them Nemo and Emma. They are notorious for escaping their pen, but Natalie loves them and they are kind and gentle with her. She calls them "goaties, goaties goaties".