My blogging has been put on the back burner. Our wireless router is going out, so internet on my laptop is hit and miss (more miss than hit), and I don't get on my husband's (err our) Imac very often. This morning I purposefully got up before the husband and toddler woke just to have some down time.
We have been very busy and blogging ideas have been swimming around in my head. Fall season is upon us, the beautiful Ozark leaves are starting to turn. I truly love this time of year, it's my favorite. We were married in the Fall (actually a few days before the actual season began) so it's special to me. The cooler nights, make for a cooler house. More blankets on the beds, warmer jammies for the little one, and warm apple cider at night. I love every bit about it (except for it getting darker sooner).
I recently unintentionally started an interesting conversation on facebook. I made a status about how we had no TV for a year. Well, no TV channels. Natalie watched Veggie Tales on it, and Kris and I would watch movies after she goes to bed. But we had no cable/satellite and no local channels. We recently purchased an outdoor antenna (indoor ones wouldn't work) off of craigslist for $15. We now have 5 WHOLE CHANNELS. Obviously that doesn't sound like a lot, but to me I don't know what to do with myself with 5 channels. (Think about it, this is 5x more than what we had, so to me it's like cable!) I am very torn as I was so proud of going so long with out TV, and honestly didn't miss it. There are a couple of shows I enjoy, we are planning on getting Netflix and I could watch those shows, just a season behind if I desired. Now I feel like even with 5 channels, we'll be glued to it too much. BUT, we live in a metal box, 1 1/2 hours from us, a nearby city was destroyed by the worst tornados in U.S's history, so being able to see the weather is very important. A weather radio won't even work out here! (Or maybe we don't know how to work the radio, I'm still not sure on it lol).
Anyways, the facebook status started a chain of people talking about living more simple, and dejunking their lives. I have such a craving for this (and am far from it). We have so much STUFF in our house (which boggles my mind because when we moved, I couldn't believe how much we were able to throw out) and I almost want to start at one room and dejunk it then go to the next. I have even noticed that my daughter plays better if her toys aren't all scattered (she will scatter them, but not at first) and if they are put away to where she can pull out what she wants, she does better than if I leave it all over the floor.
What do you think? How can we simplify our lives in the physical sense and mentally?
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