Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Homeschool 2013-2014 {review of the year}

2013-2014 was our first year of doing any type of real "homeschooling".  And by schooling, I use that term very loosely.  I bought a "box curriculum" and we did it when it was convenient.  We had a loose schedule, and at age 4.....I didn't push it.  (or 3 when she actually started) I'm going to list what we did, and my thoughts.  This is so I can look back on it and judge what to do for the next child at this age (it will probably be totally different with different personalities) but also maybe you are curious for your preschooler of different options.

1) Little Hands to Heaven by Heart of Dakota

 The book says for ages 2-5.  During this school year my oldest was 3 1/2 and turned 4 January 1st.  Just to give you an idea.  It gives you different options of Bibles, use your own or choose from different kid Bibles.  I purchased New Bible in Pictures for Little Eyes.  That was the perfect Bible to use and we still use it.  It also recommends purchasing a letter book, out of the 3 options I choose Big Thoughts for Little People.  Love it, that was a great pick.  Natalie loves the fingerplay exercises to help learn the letters and their meaning.  I really enjoy their devotions and how it weaves the Bible into all subjects.  I like their art projects.  (I am art stupid)

Cons: It has a LOT of "dramatic play" acting out the Bible story.  Natalie just isn't into that.  So we skipped it.  I also did not like the music it came with. Natalie had a hard time catching onto the words.  However, I teach music at a Homeschoolers Academy and I use the CD frequently with my 6/7 and 8/9 classes.  Seems more appropriate and easier for them.

It is lacking in fine motor skills for Natalie.  I had to supplement.  It also does not have "strong" writing lessons, very basic.  So once again, I had to supplement.

Final thoughts: This is a great program.  I'm glad I purchased it.  I had to do more "beefing up" than I wanted to.  For my next kiddo, she's about to turn 2.  I will wait until the school year where she is 3 and start this with her.  She will be 3 the entire school year and I think this will suit her perfectly.

2. A, B, C, D, books by Rod and Staff  I

If there is anything that I did right this year, it is these very simple but awesome work books.  And seriously, all these books for less than $10?!?!  You can't go wrong.  This was a huge hit with Natalie, and we are almost done with them.  If anything...I would say this is my "must have" books for preschool if your child likes workbooks.  (mine does!) We plan to continue in these books for another year, just the next series of them.

Final thoughts: Get it...these are great and you can't beat the price!

3. My First book of Upper Letters by Kummon

We started this book this summer.  I bought the lower case books as well.  While I don't think a 4 year old has to know how to write, mine does so why stop her.  I came across these work books at Barnes N Noble.  Once again, my kid is a "work book" kid, and many kids aren't.  Find what works for you.  She really enjoys this book and I have seen an improvement in her writing and fine motor skills.  I really don't know "how" to teach writing.  There's lots of resources and different methods.

Final thoughts: I like it, it is working...but I don't know a lot about teaching handwriting so I don't know how it compares to different methods/books/etc.

Final thoughts on the year?  Overall good.  Having a baby mid Spring semester threw us off.  But I'm not too concerned.  This fall we will be starting a different curriculum and she will be doing "K4".  Whatever you want to interpret that as.  I view it as, more than preschool, but simplified kindergarten?

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Jonah's Birth Story part 3 {Grieving a birth that didn't go as planned}

I really need to wrap his story up.  I've been procrastinating because this is the part I don't like, and also just super busy with 3 kids 4 and under.  Let's see…..

They discharged us from the hospital a day early since we were an intended home birth and Jonah and I were doing just fine.  I believe I was there for about 36 hours.  Not too bad.  When we got home, we were exhausted and just trying to process having a newborn.  The first couple of days weren't bad.  We were on our "high" of having a baby and enjoying him.  The day after we got home, the girls returned to us and the adjustment of 3 kids began.

We left our house to go to the hospital in the heat of labor.  So everything was left sitting out, the birthing pool ready to be filled, the box of birth supplies that had barely been touched.  The evidence of an active birth, just sitting there staring at us.

It was probably the second or third day of being home when the "high of I gave birth in a hospital bathroom" wore off and reality set in.  Here were all the supplies that I was anxious to use.  The biggest reminder, the gigantic birthing pool waiting for me at the foot of our bed.  I couldn't touch it, I tried to ignore all of it.  I melted down one day when we were expecting my midwife for a home postpartum visit.  I figured we should take down the pool and give it back to her for the next client that needs it.  I went through my unused birthing supplies.  Kept what little I might want in the near future, and donating the rest for another client that this would bless.  An anonymous client donated most of her birthing supplies (because her birth went so fast she didn't use it!) and I was the lucky recipient.  That was a big financial blessing.  Time to pass the blessing on.  Going through the supplies, one item at a time, brought back memories of my beautiful home birth with Emri and what we missed out on with Jonah.

There were a lot of emotions running through my head.  Was I a failure?  What did I do wrong? What could have I of done differently?  If we have another, will it be like this again?  Leading up the Jonah's birth, I was getting more and more excited about that moment of bringing the baby up to my chest in the pool, the immediate relief of when you first get into the warm water.  The teamwork that happens between my birthing team to keep me comfortable and mom and baby healthy and safe.  I experienced this all with Emri.  I wanted it again.  That's what I signed up for. I transferred to the hospital for non medical reasons, because I was tired.  I had 2 1/2 days of labor (not all of it active labor).  Almost 3 nights of no sleep. I was loosing myself, I was in a mentality state I had never experienced before.

I have had 3 healthy pregnancies, 3 healthy babies.  It never crossed my mind during this pregnancy that I might have to go to the hospital.  Sure, we talked about it and made the emergency plan with my birthing team, but it never hit me seriously that this "really could happen".

The day I came home, my midwife met me at my house for a checkup. She was (and is) so wonderful, she stopped at a natural health food store and made up a jar of herbs for me for bathing in for postpartum healing.  We talked along time, going over what happened and the events of things.  The fact she checked me before packing for the hospital and I was a 4….and when I got to the hospital I was a 9.  There was no way anybody knew that would happen.  And if I had stayed home, I could have still had a long labor and maybe it was the car ride that sped things up.  We don't know, we won't know.  With the situation at hand, we made the best decision we could based on the current circumstances.  That's that.  And that's ok.  (and made a decision that any future long labors for me, we would just go for a car ride and see if that helps progress things! ha!)

I am ok now.  It has taken a couple of months.  But time heals.  I have come to the conclusion:

1) We made the right decision to go to the hospital (since we can't tell the future and didn't know I would progress quickly from that point on)
2) It is ok to grieve your birth if it didn't go as you wanted.  But grieve short term.  Because being happy is sure a heck of a lot better than being sad.
3) I had a not so great hospital experience with Natalie (which led to wanting a home birth with future kids).  The hospital and medical field in general has improved in the world of being baby and mom friendly.  For that, I am so grateful.
4) If there is another pregnancy, Lord willing we will still pursue a home birth
5) Midwives just rock.  That's it.  When I go back and think of the last week of pregnancy…my midwife spent days and nights at our house.  Was with me almost every day for an entire week.  I am so thankful for her, and her team.  (So thankful…that I now work in her office!)

That's that.  And now I have a beautiful almost 4 month old son, that his sisters just absolutely adore!