Wednesday, April 3, 2013

We've been SPRINGing

It's been a bit.  So here's what we've been up to:

We have loosely been doing "school".  Right now our schooling consists of lots and lots of library books.  Natalie is loving it.  Each day it isn't raining or nasty cold, I force myself to take the girls outside.  Oh, I love being outdoors, but it's a chore getting everybody dressed (well the less clothes they wear inside, the easier it is ha!)  and out the door. We enjoy swinging, Natalie picks flowers, torments the chickens, and we go on nature hikes. Emri got her first feel for grass, and well, tried to consume it.  

So that's what we've been doing...just SPRINGing. :) Soon I'll post pictures of our growing garden.  (umm the garden that's taking over my dinning room!) 

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